Shane Alexander Actor
Animal Planet “I'’m Alive” Guest Star Gurney Productions
Water Rats Guest Star Quicksilver Productions
Snowy River “The McGregor Saga” Co-Star GTV 9
Neighbours Co Star Grundys
Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush Recurring GTV 9
Neighbours Co-Star Grundys
Work Place Bargaining Guest Star Filmthink
FILM (Selected)
The Recyclist Lead Michael Ryan/ YAAFLTUMIA Pr.
Denial LeadYAAFLTUMIA Productions
Replica LeadRyan Ramirez
Red Zone Co-Lead Asia Heredia
Bliss LeadNancy Freidman/Angel Eye Studios
Whole Co-Lead Chris Bryant
Down & OutLeadHeathhaze Films
End of DayLeadMichelle Congues
The Mark: Flight 777 Supporting James Chankin
A Nice GuySupportingGolden Harvest Productions
Zone 39SupportingMedia World Features
THEATRE (Selected)
Vietnam, Two LivesThe SoldierWorkhouse Theatre
Boy Pussyboy pussyAuspicious Arts Project
Manpower Australiaas Self Cross Promotions
COMMERCIALS: List Available on Request
TRAINING (Selected)
Scene Study Intensive (ongoing) Anthony Meindl/ Sean Riley Anthony Meindl Actors Workshop LA
Cold Reading (ongoing)Jen Krater Jen Krater Studios/ LA
Cold Reading IntensiveZora De HorterLos Angeles
SitcomNick AndersonLos Angeles
Soap OperaGwen Hillier Los Angeles
TV/Film Audition TechniqueKelli Lerner, CSALos Angeles
Strasberg – MethodMarcia HaufrechtNew York City
Improv Joel Spence Upright Citizens Brigade/ LA
TV AuditionAndy Henry Los Angeles
Commercial On CameraTracy (Twinkie) ByrdLos Angeles
Advanced TV & FilmDina Mann Showbiz/ AUS
3 Directors--Same ScriptJulian McSwiney, Rowan Webb & Mark DeFriest/ AUS
Screen Test WorkshopsJan Russ Centre for Film & Film/ AUS
Accent & DialectAndrew Jack, Bill PepperVictorian College of Arts, NIDA
Dialects: Standard American, Australian, Irish
Sports: Swimming (international Champion); Horse-Back Riding, Personal Fitness Coach, Swim Coach; Triathlete, Surf Life Saving
Other: Scuba Diving (certified); Rollerblade, Masseur, Licensed- Automobile & Motorbike; Bikram Yoga
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Castability Sheet
Click to see a sample of the types of roles Shane's been cast in